Sunday, August 22, 2010

3 1/2 Months Old!

Our girl is getting so big!

She now basically has full control of her head, can lift her head and chest off the floor (and sometimes will kind of roll over to her side), grabs toys and brings them to her mouth, and as of last week...drumroll please...she is NAPPING in her CRIB!

I'm pretty sure it was my fault that napping had been such an issue, but I just didn't realize that I would have to insist on napping with a tiny baby. Our new plan is that when I can tell she's sleepy, we go to her nursery, draw the blinds, swaddle her up. turn on her white noise, and rock until she falls asleep. When I started this nap crusade, she would scream for about 10 minutes before giving in to her sleepiness, and we are down to about 3 minutes of screaming and a few more minutes of quiet complaining now. I hate that she gets so upset going down for a nap, but she wakes up so cheerful and ready to play. The big smiles and happy moods tell me that this is good for her.

It is so much fun to watch her grow and learn. I feel like she has major changes every week now as she becomes more coordinated and aware of her surroundings.

We are getting ready to leave for a vacation at the beach for a week. When we return, I hope to blog more often now that Lydie is napping on her own...

Malia and Lydia
Mike, Lydia, Piper and Paige at our Birth Class Reunion

Poppy and our little Koala Bear

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I can't believe how much more alert she seems since I saw her last. What a sweetheart! I saw your pics from the beach on facebook. Looks like you had a great time. We should get together for a walk sometime in the next week or so. Love ya!