Friday, March 19, 2010

31 Weeks

Maternity clothes? I had no idea how many maternity clothes I would want when this process began. There are so many size and season changes during a pregnancy, I feel like I'm always outgrowing something or the weather changes. That being said, bring on spring! I think I can wear cotton dresses everyday between now and birth-day.

Sleep: It's still great! I even slept through the night once this week! And with all this sleep has come some bizarre dreams! Two nights in a row I dreamed that my own brother was trying to kill me (!!!!) I've also dreamed that I was nursing a tiny puppy and that my baby was locked out of the house on the back porch and I couldn't get to her. Oh, hormones, you are so crazy...

Best moment this week: Mike's work shower was yesterday afternoon and it was so much fun! He works with an incredible group of people, many of whom I got to meet for the first time. They gave us an amazing gift card to Buy Buy Baby and brought in lots of food! Because so many people were at the shower, which was in the middle of the workday, it only lasted about an hour. But one of the best parts was that Mike got to come home with me afterwards! We spent the rest of the afternoon together and thought a lot about how lucky we are to have so many amazing friends.

Movement: I'm definitely starting to figure out her sleep cycle. When she's awake, her movements are getting even stronger--like sometimes it's uncomfortable rather than cute-- and she gets the hiccups at least twice a day.

Gender: Girl! However, this week I have had several people ask me if we are prepared for the baby to maybe be a boy. Does this happen often or something? Don't get me wrong, I would love to have a son and know that we would adjust quickly, but I have gotten kind of attached to the idea of my daughter arriving in a few weeks...

Birthing Signs: More Braxton Hicks, especially when I take long walks.

Stretch Marks? Still none on the belly.

Belly Button in or out? In. Maybe it's going to stay in?!

Cravings/Aversions: I think I am actually getting a little bit more sensitive about food again. So far, it's been nothing like the first trimester, but I can tell that I am getting fussier about eating certain things. Interestingly, after a long aversion to red meat, I ate two hamburgers this week and they were DELICIOUS....the trade off? Chicken makes me gag sometimes...

What I am looking forward to: We are headed to Richmond tonight to visit with some very dear friends.

What I miss: Being able to start buying tickets to spring and summer concerts as tour dates are announced. Anything we see this year will have to be purchased day-of if we are up to going. I wouldn't trade my baby for the whole world, but let's face it, there are going to be some sacrifices.

Weekly Wisdom: It's so pointless to worry about things you don't have control over. I was so worried that I wouldn't pass the Gestational Diabetes test, but I did! Yipee! Now, if I can just remember this lesson...

Milestones: Appointments with the midwives are now two weeks apart! My 33 week appointment is on 3/30 at 3:30. Weird, huh?


Holly said...

I have heard of several people being told they are carrying the opposite sex baby than they really are. I wasn't because I guess I was carrying him the "correct" way for a boy! I think each woman's body is different and you carry a baby the way that your body adjusts best! You and I were among the lucky ones...all baby!! YAY! You look GREAT! Cannot wait for Miss Lydia to be here...we are teaching Lawson a lesson in patience...haha...(ok so really just his mommy) COME ON MAY!! :)

K said...

Do they get it wrong from the sonogram? Sure they do. But I bet its right in your case. :o)

Rachael said...

I can totally relate to the hamburgers craving! You look GORGEOUS in that photo. I can't believe your shower is this weekend! Yay! I can't wait! Oh yes...and it is 12:17am because Landon's insane sleeping habits have totally killed any chance of me having any kind of normal sleeping routine. XOXO.