Monday, April 5, 2010

34 Weeks!

Hey Y'all. Sorry for missing my update last week. It has been a little crazy around here..

Maternity clothes? Basically nothing is very comfortable anymore. Mike's t-shirts are my favorite thing to lounge around in.

Sleep: I've been waking up more frequently to go to the bathroom or to adjust somehow, but I am still falling back asleep very easily and waking up feeling rested. I've also been napping during the day a lot with Rosey.

Best moment this week: Well the best moment this week sprung from the worst moment. Last Tuesday I had my 33 week appointment with the midwives, and at the end, she measured my belly as usual. Instead of measuring at 33 weeks, apparently I was measuring at 37, and she recommended that we get an ultrasound.

Even though she reassured us that everything was probably fine, we were obviously still concerned. We scheduled an appointment at the hospital for Thursday afternoon, which felt like an eternity away. Mike took Thursday off from work so that we could be together-- good or bad -- and thank goodness, the baby looked great! They estimated that she is now weighing in at 5lbs 9oz, which is in the 60th percentile and they said that the amniotic fluid levels were just fine. So, we aren't exactly sure why I was measuring that far ahead. Our guess is that it was a combination of factors... a baby that's on the bigger side, her position during the measurement, precision of the measurement, etc... Whatever the case, we are just thankful that Lydie seems to be doing well, and that news was definitely the best moment of the week!

Seeing her sweet little face was pretty awesome too!
Movement: She still moves around a lot, but as she gets bigger I can tell that she can't perform the same stunts that she once did. Her kicks and movements are harder and more defined but she isn't rolling around as much...

Gender: Baby Girl, ultrasound reconfirmed. :)

Birthing Signs: Definitely having Braxton Hicks and starting to feel a lot more pressure in my pelvis. The ultrasound tech said that her head is really low, so hopefully she is ripening everything up down there for show time in a few weeks.

Stretch Marks? Still none on the belly, but my skin is getting tighter and tighter. My fingers are crossed it has a little more give before stretch marks would happen.

Belly Button in or out? In. But a lot more shallow...

Cravings/Aversions: Vanilla soy milk and orange juice are my two favorite things right now. Not really having any lasting aversions.

What I am looking forward to: This isn't pregnancy related at all, but we are having the house painted this week and I am really excited to see the end result. We are changing the colors and all of the light fixtures and hoping that it gives the place a nice little face lift. I will say, however, that it is very very pleasing to my now active nesting instinct.

What I miss: Ease of motion

Weekly Wisdom: Umm, I keep hearing that things are going to slow down and it will feel like forever waiting on the baby to arrive... I have no doubt that this could still happen, but I feel like we are still barreling through time at a ridiculously fast pace. She is due in less than SIX WEEKS, people!

Milestones: Hmm... we took a breastfeeding class last week, which made me feel a lot more confident about what to do once she is here.

And we went out and bought the last of the baby things that we felt like we needed before her arrival. BuyBuyBaby gave us 10% off of everything that we wanted as a thank you for registering there, and they let us use 5 other 20% off (one item) coupons ON TOP of the 10% discount. It was so awesome. They were out of a few things that we needed, which were ordered and will arrive today. So, after they get here and I wash those last few things, we will officially be ready!

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