Wednesday, April 14, 2010

35 Weeks

Maternity clothes? ugh.

Sleep: Still pretty good. I'm waking up a little bit more frequently because my hips get sore when I lie on one side for too long. Basically there is a lot of side-switching.

Best moment this week: We got some major things checked off of our Before-Baby-Checklist including, having the house painted and installing new lights, cleaning out the shed, preparing for our yard sale this weekend, and some other little projects around the house. Next on the list, cleaning out cars, installing car seat bases, and finishing our packing for the Birth Center.

Movement: I can tell this baby is getting bigger by the day because of her movements. I mostly just feel big rolls around my belly with the occasional rib or bladder kick.

Gender: Girl

Birthing Signs: I think the baby has dropped and I'm having a lot more Braxton Hicks.

Stretch Marks? Hmm... I might, *might* be getting a stretch mark above my left hip but the jury is still out. I'll keep you posted.

Belly Button in or out? In.

Cravings/Aversions: I'm wanting fresh fruit and veggies... and chocolate muffins.
And on the other hand, while cleaning out the shed, I found the box of Tide I had thrown out there during my first trimester and it still makes me sick to get the smallest whiff of it. I think it is such a weird aversion.

What I am looking forward to: Getting to week 37 so that I can responsibly wish her out.

What I miss: Pants with buttons, jogging, spring concerts, rolling over without pain, diet coke, motivation, coordination, and giving massages.

Weekly Wisdom: I swear I am still trying to enjoy this period of time too. Sometimes I just sit in silence and try to make a mental note of what it feels like for the house to be quiet and to have no one counting on me for their absolute survival.
As far as the pendulum swings in regard to discomfort and exhaustion, it swings in the other direction of excitement and gratitude.

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