Wednesday, April 28, 2010

37 Weeks

apologies for the dark picture...

Sleep: I'd say that I am waking up a lot more frequently but still falling back asleep easily.

Best moment this week: Last Friday I had some bodywork done by Claire Marie Miller. She is an incredible massage therapist and did a lot of work to open my pelvic muscles. I could tell after the sacral release that the baby could move more easily and I thought that was pretty amazing. I've always been interested in doing prenatal work but this made me a true believer.

Movement: She is slowing down a little bit but still kicking around in there. Hopefully she'll be moving on out pretty soon.

Gender: Girl

Birthing Signs: Hmm... having Braxton Hicks and some pelvic pressure. And if nesting is a sign of impending birth, she should be coming pretty soon... I spent 6 hours cleaning the house yesterday like a mad woman. I knew I was being crazy, but I just couldn't stop myself.

Stretch Marks? Make that two over my left hip...

Belly Button in or out? In.

Cravings/Aversions: Ben and Jerry's Milk and Cookies Ice Cream.

What I am looking forward to: Being on the other side of birthing, holding my little sweet pea in my arms.

What I miss: Ha.

Weekly Wisdom: ?? Hang on, we're almost there ?? Does that count?

As a side note, I tested positive for Group B Strep at my appointment this morning, so I'll have to get an IV of antibiotics during my birthing time. I only have to be hooked up for 15 minutes every 4 hours and I can still walk around with the IV, so it shouldn't be too big of a deal. It also means that after the birth, I will be staying at the birth center for a minimum of 12 hours instead of 6 and they will monitor Lydie a little bit more closely in the days following her arrival, just to be extra careful.


K said...

At the birth center they like for you to keep an IV set up in your arm anyway. It will hardly be different, hooking up for a few minutes now and then. After 15 minutes, you'll barely notice.

Sorry about Strep B. Just one of those things...

You are having an aversion to Ben and Jerry's?! ha ha

Anonymous said...

No, no. That's a craving... :)

Anonymous said...

Hang in there kid, you're doing great! Looking at picture, baby looks lower? I'm keeping my phone with me at all times (even in the garden). On stand-by, Lolly